How to use Tencent Penguin Intelligence in your approach to the Chinese market?
Are you looking for the latest news of Tech innovation in China?
The goal of this article is to shed some lights of why Penguin Intelligence is a work-tool to keep in mind on your approach to China.
Penguin Intelligence is the official data platform from Tencent Technology
Tencent Research Organization works such as a professional organization which publishes in-depth reports about the Chinese mobile ecosystem.
Penguin Intelligence performs research and advocacy concerning hot-topics. It also studies markets, trends and best emerging practices.
Their work is founded on a rigorous thorough understanding of every Industry Focus, Sector Dynamics, Case Studies, Data Analysis and Macro environment.
Penguin Intelligence is constantly optimizing the analytical model
Penguin Intelligence is your best choice if you want to figure out what is happening in Chinese Internet Industry. Unfortunately, their business analysis and reports are only available in Chinese for the moment.
Penguin Intelligence also counts with three original sub-columns:
- Penguin Investigation
- Penguin Analysis
- Penguin Portfolio
In addition, Penguin Intelligence includes an Open Platform, which is a huge cohesion of all wisdom from China technological business.
What will you find in Penguin Intelligence?
As we have mention above, Penguin Intelligence contains a full variety of reports, infographics and data.
There are more than thirty valuable Business research reports, hundreds of in-depth analysis reports that have been already published and the Platform keeps growing every day.
The influence of these reports / studies has touched up multiple areas of Internet and traditional industries.
Due to its importance, Penguin Intelligence currently enjoys high reputation and credibility in Governments and Enterprises.
To illustrate the kind of searches which can be done, from 2 OPEN we have compiled a brief list of some of the most striking examples that you can find on the Platform:
- In-depth reports and fresh data about Tencent ecosystem; WeChat public accounts: What type of articles get the most attention from readers?
- Many infographics and graphs about mobile ecosystem in China; iPhoneS sales in China
- Data about digital marketing customer behavior; Do customers prefer hongbao or discounts?
Relying on Tencent, Penguin Intelligence contains a large user base and massive data advantage of products in multiple fields:
- Social networking application: WeChat (Most-used application in China)
- Social networking service: Qzone, Tencent microblog, Tencent Video
- Instant messengers: QQ, QQ International
- Online payment system: TenPay (which is similar to Paypal)
- Cloud storage service: Tencent Weiyun
- Own search engine:
- Media player: QQ player, QQ Music, KuGou Music, KuWo Music
- C2C auction site: (now merged with
The huge scale of Tencent Data is the cornerstone of Penguin Intelligence ability to mine and analyze data, and serving professional market insights and industry reports.
Do you want to discover a little more of Penguin Intelligence?
As a Digital Marketing and Sales Agency, from 2 OPEN we often suggest you to contact us for a deeper understanding of all knowledge Penguin hosts.
Do not forget to subscribe to our Newsletter to receive some special information about China!
This article has been edited by Paula Vicuña from 2 Open.
Is China becoming more open for imported goods?
Despite its enormous potential, in China the ease of doing business experiences a lightning-fast evolution.
Trade in China still suffers from some difficulties that require a certain courage by those who seek success in the country.
Such evolution is aimed at providing increasing facilities for the establishment of trade relations in the country but, according to World Bank´s report, it still keeps the 84th position on the ranking.
What are the main challenges a foreign company must face in its landing in Chinese territory?
From 2 OPEN we have elaborated a guide with some basic steps to face the first stage of procedures, certifications and regulations any company need to face before entering on Chinese market.
Goods import: Are them all allowed in China?
The Chinese government has established in its Foreign Trade Law some basic categories over the import of goods.
However, not all goods are accepted by law; in every approach to the country, we must consult in the Catalogue Of Goods Prohibited from Export and Import.
Some enjoy specific requirements: Tariff quota is only available for licensed importers, and State-owned trade administration must be imported by authorized enterprises.
There are also some other terms to test: certifications, packaging, labelling, transportation…From 2 OPEN we can help you to face all the specific bureaucratic procedures involved in any approach to Chinese market.
Some goods may require specific certificates, registration by Chinese authorities or labelling requirements.
Standars varies depending on the levels, profession and industry your company comes from.
Being aware of the specific needs of our goods will facilitate the following steps for a successful importation into the country.
Importers, a key entrance
Whether your entry into the country is done in an autonomous manner or with the help of a qualified external importer, in both cases will be required to have a Foreign trade operator.
Remember that only those companies already ratified in China as a Foreign Invested Enterprise are able to get the permission to become a Foreign Trade Operator.
In case you prefer to have the assistance of an external operator, try to avoid surprises!
The Ministry of Commerce of China provides an official list of importers where you can find the most suitable to your company needs.
Warehouses and declaration procedures
Procedures will change depending on a set of variables, but the very basic requirement is The Customs Declaration Form of Imported Goods.
A specific stamp will be used for every Bonded warehouse goods coming into Chinese territory.
In case import goods change their formal bonded warehouse, particular formalities for custom transit and transport will be required.
Attending to a fair?
If your company is thinking on attending to any special exhibition in China, there is also specific legislation according to temporary import goods. Temporary goods are those which are planned to be in China for less than six months for specific reasons, such as fairs or expos.
Those goods should be approved by the authorities, and usually a deposit will be required.
The landing in the country requires of the understanding and the expertise of an expert team in China environment.
From the company, we have assisted companies from different fields to develop their business in Chinese market.
Let us lead your company into China!
How to take advantage of the latest E Commerce revolution? U-Commerce trend
Nowadays, we all are very well aware of the importance of Ecommerce on current business.
E-Commerce has been a great revolution for companies and customers, helping the exchange of goods and services without geographical barriers via Internet.
With most of famous brands selling via e-Commerce and the development of B2B, B2C and C2C markets, the last revolution has come to stay: the Mobile Commerce or better known, M-Commerce.
But, What do we mean when we talk about M-Commerce?
The increase of the usage of smartphones and tablets and the growth of its capabilities, lead to a higher percentage of the population using technological devices to purchase their goods or services. According to the increase of the demand and in order to take advantage of this new trend, Companies have already identified the need to adapt their ways of selling to the portable devices.
China, the biggest consumer via E-Commerce country and a technologically advanced market, is a good example to put into consideration: the Retail and C2C ecommerce sales have grown from the 9% to the 55.5% since 2013.
This information show us that nowadays, most of the C2C Chinese customers prefer to use the mobile device than their PCs or laptops.
Omnichannel Marketing, What´s its purpose?
At the same time, to E-Commerce has joined a new feature: the existence of the multichannel approach to sales, or “Omnichannel”.
This channel is looking for the continuous shopping experience of each customer. The aim of the Omnichannel Marketing is offering a continuous experience to the user, independent from the device or channel chosen.
In practice, this leads to a complete integration between phones, tablets and computers and it requires the combination of an anthropological and technological strategy in approaching the users in a smarter way.
From the combination of all this, arises the U-Commerce concept.
What is U-Commerce or Ubiquitous Commerce?
If we simplify, we would say that we are talking about U-Commerce when E-Commerce is based in the customer experience.
The user must be in the center of all Companies’ strategies. Those Companies using U-Commerce must be able to provide personalized service to their clients from the information they get from mobile devices and PC-s.
The keys are: customizing and navigation experience created in cooperation with the User.
How is this possible?
It is obvious that the technological development is responsible for this change and makes necessary to pay attention to the internal customer databases.
Companies must try to find out common interests between potential clients who visit their EShops, considering each potential customer as unique and with their own preferences and priorities.
Efforts should be directed to avoid high rates of leads who finally give up navigating in the last purchasing phase, and reach around 60-70%.
This is the crucial reason for companies to invest their efforts and resources in understanding the customers and their behavior: to boost sales.
A lack of privacy: How companies use data?
U-Commerce uses personal information in order to provide a personalized service. A big number of customers feel disrespectful that a company can get their personal information and manage it as they want. Therefore, we must emphasize the benefits that the data can bring to the user and treat delicately the data we are able to collect.
Times are changing and the number of E-Commerce consumers is increasing exponentially and also the M-Commerce is growing very fast.
It’s important to face it and consider user’s needs, their preferences and desires. So companies must rechange strategies and adapt to the new eCommerce “revolution”.
Are you thinking about improving the user experience and exploit the advantages that the use of Online Marketing gives us?
Come to us, We are expecting you!
This article has been edited by Paula Vicuña, from 2 OPEN.
How to Acquire Chinese Tourists through Digital Marketing
It is almost August and tourists are everywhere. From 2 OPEN we are pleased to give you some basic steps to acquire Chinese Tourists through Digital Marketing.
Since 2013, the number of Chinese outbound travel population and tourism consumption both already ranked the world’s first.
In the next few years, Chinese outbound tourism consumption market will continue to maintain high growth speed: 174 million Chinese people will choose to travel abroad, and the amount of consumption will be around 264 billion US dollars in the year 2019 by estimation.
Chinese tourists has become the “cash cow” of global travel industry
This prosperity is due to the increase of urban population and disposable income, the rise of the middle class, RMB appreciation, the gradually liberal visa policy and the increase of international flight routes have given rise to the empowerment of as a yet undeveloped sector.
What kind of travel products do Chinese tourist usually choose when travelling?
When travelling, Chinese tourists mainly choose to travel with tour guide, both group package and/or flight + hotel. Even if travelling without guidance is still scarcely used, it is a fast leading trend and a great opportunity of future.
Which Channels do Chinese tourism use to purchase travel products?
Even if traditional travel agencies are still the most popular, every day more Chinese opt to book though Online travel agencies, such as Ctrip and Qunar. It is highly likely that its importance grow each year.
How Chinese travelers spread their feeling about their country-destination?
The consumption of Social Networks in China is massive. Either through posts or instant messaging, the power of “Word of Mouth” is overwhelming.
Wechat and Weibo play a very important role in choosing destinations for Chinese people.
From 2 Open, we suggest you paying attention to online platforms in any plan to approach the Chinese market.
Which channels do Chinese people use to search touristic-information?
Either through an Agency´s Website or through Social Media, Chinese travelers love using new technologies to discover places, compare tariffs and share their experiences abroad.
Once again, the power of the main Social Media Platforms in China –Wechat and Weibo– is increasing each year.
What do Chinese travelers suggest for information channel?
The most expected information search channel for Chinese travelers is to set up Chinese official website, followed by WeChat and Weibo Chinese accounts set-up.
So, What can you do to attract more potential Chinese tourist to your destination?
From 2 OPEN we suggest you some ideas before starting your approach to China:
- Build a Website:
To set up a Chinese Website, this must be hosted in China (-cn domain). It would be necessary to make it consistent with Chinese search engine´s standards and be entirely written in Mandarin.
From 2 OPEN we strongly suggest you to take advantage of new technologies –Big Data- to improve the user experience and target the right audience.
- Search and Display Marketing:
Baidu, the biggest Chinese search engine, is essential on any approach to Chinese digital market. Your site should be well-ranged on Baidu´s search engine to let Chinese tourist find you.
In 2 OPEN we have the expertise to deal with SEO or SEM campaigns, in order to help you to gain visibility and target potential customers.
- Social Media:
Social networks are the most used channels in China. Try to attract users to your official accounts –WeChat and Weibo– by posting travel news and proposals to people. Start your Social Media plan with our help!
- Key Opinion Leader:
To build a proper networking with Key Opinion Leaders on Social Networks can make the difference in China, and they are a very effective way to promote products and services.
- Cooperate with a third-party agency:
Online Travel Agencies -like Ctrip– provide a package of services include tickets, hotel, tourism products and car rental etc. Cooperate with them will bring you huge traffic and a great chance to sell. In addition, Online Travel Agencies let customers interact each other about trips, top destinations and advices.
From 2 Open, we encourage you to take an advantage of their social marketing impact by improving your content marketing.
- O2O:
In last year, China tourism O2O industry achieved great improvement. The relationship between resources and platforms become closer under the impetus of capital. Wheather through Online platform + offline resource or Online channel + offline channel, both can make the difference.
- Offline Event and Public Relations:
Traditional offline advertisement promotion can be useful in China, but very expensive. Combine Online and Offline Marketing can be the top-solution for your company.
We hope this information has been valuable and helpful to you, and we encourage you to start your approach to the huge Chinese tourism market. With our help, your company could take the great advantage online marketing offers!
Have a look to our services!
This article was edited by Paula Vicuña, from 2 OPEN.
Tencent and JD Launch Targeted Brand Advertising on WeChat
From the association of Tencent –owner of the biggest social platforms in China- and –the leading online direct sales company in the country-, has emerged a new conception of Marketing and Brand Advertising.
In 2016 in Beijing, both released a plan based on Ecommerce marketing service called “J&T Plan”.
The new policy was aimed to provide a tool to accurate a better portrait of the potential user, and improve the interaction with the consumer.
As a result, users data has become extremely valuable for any company:
Knowledge is power, more than ever.
What are their main Goals?
The aspiration of Tencent and partnership has been to provide a pleasant and high quality service to their users.
To reach its purpose, they have focused on three main objectives to strength its business on mobile and Internet, such as:
- Mobile access points
- Traffic support
- Ecommerce activities
Their desire to turn the user into the protagonist of the new Marketing, has launched a new approach based on three main ideas:
- Multi-dimensional user insight
- Effectiveness analysis
- Precision target audience
What do they want in Return?
Not only a commitment to the future and an advantage over its competitors, their relationship also give them some specific advantages: obtains a stake in Yixun, PaiPai C2C marketplace businesses, logistics personnel and assets and QQ Wanggou B2C.
On the other hand, Tencent will offer level one access points in Weixin and Mobile QQ and support from other key platforms to
In order to provide a better online shopping experience, they will also work together on providing solutions to online payment services and an overall digital marketing solutions.
If you are thinking on improving your company services, before starting a Business and Marketing Plan you should take in consideration some basic recomendations:
Build a well-aimed portrait of the users, improve brand experience with the client, and enhance technological tools to achieve it, have become the three key factors to consider on any approach to potential customers, and the best guarantee for the future of your company.
From 2 OPEN we have conformed a team capable of responding to new challenges and specialized on Business Intelligence. We can help you to deal with the new Marketing and Ecommerce trends.
Come with us. Together we will reach your company goals.
This article was edited by Paula Vicuña from 2 OPEN.
How to optimize traffic within 1688.COM to obtain leads?
Interested in the B2B market? This article is for those currently interested in launching a B2B ecommerce initiative!
Following our instruction of How to Sell B2B Online in China, from 2 OPEN we will guide you on the most famous Chinese B2B platform –1688.COM, to obtain leads for your company, giving you the basic information to learn how to deal with traffic.
In order to develop your sales in a business-to-business, it is important to analyze which actions can be done to improve your company results.
From 2 Open, we have listed for you some of the key-factors to make it easier your landing on B2B. With our help, your company will take a huge advantage of this big chance on Chinese market!
Alibaba is currently the biggest Chinese eCommerce company. It dominates the Chinese online marketing in various aspects and includes on its services: online transactions, payments, promotion, service and communication.
In order to focus on B2B market, Alibaba created a portal for domestic B2B trade in China, 1688.COM. In 2013, 1688.COM launched a direct channel that is responsible for $30 million in daily transaction value.
After 14 years development, now Alibaba leads B2B into the full digitalization in China and it is responsible of the great revolution B2B has experienced in China.
As the domestic B2B portal in China, 1688.COM has millions of vendors but does not support English version for foreign users.
In order to improve your position and make you easier, from 2 OPEN we will give you the specific information of acquiring traffic within 1688.COM.
To provide an accurate sketch for you and due to its importance, we have chosen Solostocks as the example below:
- First, Go to the homepage of 1688.COM:
- Second, Create Solostocks’s online shop in 1688.COM
After the registration, you can access it with
- Third, Optimization:
When the online shop settles down, we can optimize the traffic through strategies within The internal optimization of the online shop could bring your company more traffics and leads.
From 2 OPEN, we suggest you six strategies to apply to leads generation, such as:
- Product release:
In proper way, product release can fulfill the product category and increase Page View (PV).
Product quantity is not the key point for B2B selling but is the product category, title and description. Remember the more detailed the information is, the more opportunities for searching there will be.
- Shop decoration:
Shop decoration is aiming to provide a good visibility to viewers: useful information in organization will fully convey to viewers and improve the CTR also display structure has to be recognizable and practical.
Key modules include logo, navigation, introduction, display, share/favorite, communication etc.
- Text content:
Text content includes all the product descriptions and introductions.
It is crucial to pay attention to Key-words combination: they will be the best SEO to boost traffics: the more key words are recorded, more exposures there will be.
Refined and targeted content can also lift the ranking and improve the user experience.
- Tool assistance:
Tool assistance from 1688.COM’s back office can facilitate promotion. It contains various functions to assist the system management, which provides a better performance in internal optimization.
Tools for managing product, KPI, finance, transaction and marketing would optimize the operation.
Here we explain you three detailed functions which we consider especially important:
By the way, there are a plenty other tools provided by 1688.COM that you can find. You just need to discover them all and find the one which better suits you!
- Secondary platform:
The secondary platform of 1688.COM is called It is professional and dedicated to provide customers the solutions and commercial knowledge in business by means of questions and answers to solve business problems.
In this business platform, users can get connections and share their experiences. Do not forget to:
– Use proper key words to find out the related questions
– Answer professionally to promote
– Enhance the account activity and develop the business
- Paid service:
Paid service in 1688.COM can effectively promote the brand and product in bidding ranking.
The most popular ways of SEM in 1688.COM are WXB (pay-per-click) and Diamond Booth (slideshow on the homepage). Both of them strongly facilitate the brand and product promotion in direct way.
Actually, 1688.COM provides various means for sellers to promote its sales. Here we summarize some main tips to implement the internal optimization in a comprehensive way to obtain the best results!
- Information sufficiency
Make sure the sufficient and high quality information can be provided to browsers.
- Effective transmission
Transfer the product or brand information in all directions to browsers accurately and immediately.
- Qualified images
High definition pictures can highlight the brand quality also beatify the online shop.
- Customer service
Keep the effective communication and CRM during the whole sales process.
- Ranking optimization
Paid service can provide the better performance in brand exposure by bidding ranking.
If you are interesting in doing B2B in China through a more native approach, 1688.COM would be the most effective and direct way to help you face to the Chinese customers.
Still interested?
Keep checking our blog and contact us if you have any questions. 2 OPEN will happily assist you!
This article was edited by Paula Vicuña.
How to Sell on Wechat?
Interested on learning how to sell on Wechat? Keep reading!
On 20 April 2015, China Press and Publication Academy launched their first report based on Wechat platform. With over 600 million potential customers, the Report showed the great potential Wechat has for Brands to reach new audiences in Chinese market.
WeChat is one of the most important Social Media platforms in China. Set out as a communication tool, its newest strategy has been launching the most successful mobile eCommerce platform nowadays.
For foreign companies willing to sell in China, take advantage of the benefits of using Wechat gives them the chance to enjoy its simple access to products by an easy way to pay, and also get advanced information of their customers. Its latest movements have become the app in a crucial tool to increase the consumer communication with brands and users engagement.
In order to continue adding value to our customers and launch a profitable business in China, we encourage you to go deeper on Wechat to take advantage of every opportunity that pops up in China environment.
What are the specific requirements to introduce a company on Wechat?
First, Create your Wechat Official Account:
Due to legal regulations, bear in mind that only Registered Companies in China are allowed to create their own Brand pages. Do not forget that in 2 OPEN we are authorized to apply for it!
Some are the steps you should be aware to create the account
- Fill the basic information to feature your products and services. After receiving an Email activation, configure your account.
- Choose the most suitable account type from the two options provide for the public interaction, specified in the list below:
Sell on Wechat
- Once you are successfully registered, Wechat gives your company the chance to get more benefits and some interesting advantages to add value to your shop, like:
- Exclusive identifier
- Practical port
- Customized menu
- Account authenticity and security
Sell on Wechat
Second, Third platform registration:
Although Wechat has its own shop, set one up via a third party platform can provide many interesting features, like:
- It is free and easy to add new items
- Gives the One-click sharing
- Contributes to faster transactions and better security on them
- Download a Mobile Ecommerce platform app according to your demands: To illustrate the post and due to the great importance of Weidan in China (微店), we will focus on it. Baked by Tencent, Weidan is based on social relationships with no centralized entry-point. It gives you the chance to post your products information across a wide variety of Social Media platforms with an ultra-streamlined registration and administration processes which make it easier to sell your services and products.
- You can create a new account or logo in your Wechat official account.
- Input your phone number to bond with the account, and the app will send a code to your phone to pass the SMS verification.
- Use the red-button to fully use the app
- Bind with your Bank-card to paying and collecting operations
- To set up your products, click on “My Products” and upload your product.
- Add pictures and fill the description, price and requirements of your products or services.
Third, Link Weidian with your Wechat Official Account:
From the back office, go to Customize Menu to edit the content in structure.

Sell on Wechat
Fourth, The final presentation to your Wechat account:
- Click the Bottom Menu (only in case you enjoy a verified account!)
Sell on Wechat
- To get into the shop, you do reply the message. In latest version, when users enter the official account, an automatic message will present the options to follow the instruction to transfer into the Shop page.
From the team we hope these tips will help you to understand further the latest trends in Chinese market.
At 2 Open we have the experience and knowledge to develop your business in China and become your guide to launch your business in Asia.
Still speculating about how to grow your business in China?
Get in touch with us!
This article was edited by Paula Vicuña from 2 Open.
How can foreign SMEs be competitive in China?
Most western economies enjoy an abundant offer of qualified talent that proportionally lacks in China. Nevertheless, China’s macroeconomic situation is starting to increase the demand of qualified talent, and more importantly, it is starting to value it more, rewarding it in ways that we do not often see in other economies, or at least not back in Europe.
All of this creates a reality of scarcity due to the fact that an increasing amount of knowledge is being accumulated in just a few hands and results in a division between talent knowledge and labor knowledge. When competing in the knowledge market, being capable of assembling a talented team is the key difference that will give you the competitive advantage.
Big companies and well-funded start-ups are very aware of this fact, they put a lot of effort and invest a lot of money on the recruitment of talented personal.
So what about small and medium-sized enterprises then? What can they do in order to be competitive as employers in the Chinese market? And what can they do when big foreign companies tend to concentrate on tier 1 cities candidates that have good English communication skills?
The questions mentioned above have very difficult answers. Truth be told, most foreign SMEs in China have no chance of succeeding, or being competitive, as an employers in such a shark tank, that is, tier 1 cities. Looking at it from a market perspective, tier 1 cities are a horrible place to build and sustain a capable and long lasting team.
Probably, trying to move out of a tier 1 city is the first advice for foreign SMEs. Even if the idea of living in a truly Chinese city, without Starbucks or McDonalds hanging around, frightens you, it will make it a lot easier for you to grow your company. The only real issue here is that clients and movement is mainly happening around cities like Shanghai and Beijing and less in other cities, nevertheless there are plenty of other means through which you can get clients. At the end of the day there is no perfect place to grow your business without a few drawbacks, maybe once your company has grown enough you could consider moving to a tier 1 city.
It is worth mentioning, however, that finding clients is the first stage of every business, that initial stage where it is considered a top priority. With its years of experience, 2 Open has long surpassed that, right now, finding clients is for us only a secondary priority. We are now focusing in process excellence, in nurturing scalable ways of working that continuously add value to our clients, keeping a stable and financially balanced organization that will last for many… many years…
This is one of the main reasons why our company does not only have offices in Weihai and Cáceres, but is based in Shanghai and Madrid. We are constantly making changes in order to maintain competitive advantage, we have already been in the market for 3 years and we are preparing for the upcoming 30. We strive in order to offer reliable, sustainable and long term oriented solutions that add value to China as a whole, not only its tier 1 cities
Probably you do not think that moving to tier 3 in order to assembly a powerful team is something you would like to do yourself. Well, do not worry about it. If you want to know more about how we work and how we help, engage, support, and lead our clients to succeed, contact us. We DO Open. Do you?
This article was edited by Andres Arroyo Olson from 2 Open.
Do other e-commerce platforms stand a chance against Tmall?
All of us are very well aware of the magnitude of the Chinese online market and, although it is currently the largest e-commerce market in the world, most of the market share is owned by the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba. Nevertheless, there are some other companies that also want their piece of the pie and with their vertical e-commerce platforms they are starting to put up a fight. This article will focus mainly on those vertical platforms that constitute an important part of the diverse Chinese e-commerce environment.
In the 4th quarter of 2015 China’s online transactions surpassed 644.38 billion RMB, the pie chart shown bellow contains the market share of the top ten Chinese e-commerce platforms:
Before we continue, we first have to clarify the concept of vertical e-commerce. In this context, vertical refers vendors that offer goods and/or services that are specific to an industry or customers with specific needs. A vertical e-commerce platforms could be a independent brand or a specified category within a wide range of products such as clothes, 3C (computer, communication, and consumer electronics) products, cosmetics, etc.
If you already have a basic understanding of the Chinese e-commerce market, then you are probably familiar with Currently the second e-commerce platforms in China after Tmall (owned by Alibaba Group), started as a 3C products vertical B2C website. Now, let us take a look at the market share of 3C products in China B2C online market:
Although Tmall is still on the first spot, the difference in market share of is considerably higher than with regular products. Tmall and combined own more than 80% of the Chinese 3C products market. Suning, on the 3rd spot, and Gome, on the 4th, both also started specializing in 3C products, however, nowadays they have also diversified their range of products. At the end, it seems that there are no actual vertical platforms anymore.
To study the online market, we cannot miss the biggest category, clothes. In the 4th quarter of 2015, the total transaction of clothes is 235.57 billion Yuan, market share is shown below:
In this case, Tmall is leading with an absolute advantage of almost 3/4 of the market share. In this category, JD has 8.7% of the market share, has 6%, and surprisingly others do not even have 1% individually, so from the big picture the vertical market for clothes is not active enough.
Another category that has had such a rapid growth we cannot ignore is the maternal and children products. Shown below is a pie chart containing China’s maternal and children products market share figures of major competitors in the last quarter of 2015:
The most noticeable difference in comparison with other categories is the porcentage own by other platforms that adds up to almost 20 %. Although Mia, Beibei, Babytree and others are in that 20% it is still a big figure. In this category Tmall and own less than 70 % of the Chinese clothing market, so we can say, to some extend, that there is still space for vertical players.
The next category is books and, even though the books total transaction was just 5.31 billion Yuan, the market share gives us a slice hope of competing with general platforms, in this case Dangdang is leading with 43.8%, and Tmall is only on the 3rd spot, just after
Finally, we cannot say all vertical online platforms are dead in China just because most of the categories are gloomy, there are still some worth a try, and you just need to know enough about the current situation. If you don’t, luckily you saw this article, and you know 2open can always help you to find the right channels. So don’t hesitate, contact us now!
All in all, even though Tmall dominates in the Chinese market, there is still space for other platforms to flourish. Vertical e-commerce platforms seem to be the wisest option, specify in a certain category, gather information about the current situation in the Chinese market, and carry out your business plan. If you need further information about the market, would like to help you find the right channels, or want us to set up your business in China, do not hesitate in contacting us. Our group of specialists will happily assist you.
This article was edited by Andres Arroyo Olson from 2 Open.
All products data from
3C data from
Clothes data from
Children products data from:
Books data from:
L’Oreal Digital Marketing Campaign in China
In the first half of 2015, L’Oreal’s financial statement reported revenues of 12.82 billion euros worldwide. In comparison with 2014, there was an increase of 14.7%, which is the fastest growth that the company has had in the past 20 years. Its digital marketing campaign was not the exception, with an outstanding 40% increase in online sales, exceeding 1 billion euros; it represented 5% of the company’s total turnover strengthening its position in the online market.
Nowadays, in the cosmetic & beauty industry, 70% of customers search products online before they actually buy them, which means that social media must play a big role in this. Why? You might be wondering, well, the importance of knowing consumer’s needs and preferences enables companies to come up with tailored ads and maximize their marketing budget. Many industries have transitioned from the classic marketing model into its modern version to further understand consumers and optimize results.
It seems that the upcoming era is digital, the society now is constantly connected with their mobile phones, and people are interacting on social media all the time. Most Chinese people love to share moments of their daily life via Weibo or Wechat, these social mobile applications gather a lot of Chinese young people who are potential online buyers, this is one of the main reasons why this new consumption model results so profitable.
Taking all of this into account, L’Oreal, the global beauty brand, keeps track of trends and maintains strong competence in the Chinese online market. The business credo for the marketing industry “where are the consumers, where are we” is practiced well by L’Oreal. In fact, in the digital marketing revolution, L’Oreal is not only expanding its e-commerce channels, they also apply a complete strategy to digital marketing.
All the product and services have to be digitalized
For instance, on the CES conference in Las Vegas, L’Oreal released a patch for sun-induced skin damage – My UV Patch, helps users track real-time ultraviolet exposure damage on the skin with the help of an App. In addition, L’Oreal has also launched a mobile App called Makeup Genius. The App can help users find their own appropriate makeup. Most Chinese people are shy and they do not dare to try exaggerated makeup, with this App users can try hundreds of makeup options and share on various social platforms. In the future, L’Oreal will try to launch more service-oriented App.
-L’Oreal APP for IOS
Digital involvement into every step of decision-making
In the buying decision process, customers experience 4 steps: identifying, considering, purchasing, and sharing. L’Oreal gets involved in every step of the process. For brand awareness, they launched a video advertisement on the entire media platform of Weibo and Wechat. For the decision-making stage they issued a series of makeup tutorial videos on Youku and finally let the users use social media to share their purchasing experience. With this, the entire consumer decision-making process is digitized.
-L’Oreal official account on Weibo and Wechat
Take this case for example, in the 2015 Cannes Film Festival; L’Oreal launched a video advertisement on Wechat, where L’Oreal’s stars would post their pictures and voice message saying “I am in Cannes, will you come? ” and a link to L’Oreal’s e-commerce page. Through this event L’Oreal attracted a lot of fans and potential customers, and the brand’s social influence was digitalized.
-L’Oreal Cannes Event on Wechat
All brands on digital platforms
Based on the first two points, L’Oreal Group including Lancome, Maybelline, L’Oreal Paris and other brands, try to position themselves, as much as possible, on various digital platforms, that is, “where are the consumers, where are we”. Since, nowadays, almost all of the customers are online, L’Oreal has to be searched and discussed as much as possible by customers in order to gain more popularity in the digital world.
-L’Oreal brands on Weibo
When analyzing L’Oreal’s digital marketing strategy, it is worth noticing that this giant enterprise takes digital marketing as a key element of responding to the rising demand among beauty consumers. The O2O (online-to-offline) model gradually drives the enterprise transforming it into a new business model. Digital marketing could not only develop a new market but also help to create a new CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system for other companies. We believe in the future and Chinese digital marketing will become more and more important in the following years.
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This article was edited by Andres Arroyo Olson from 2Open.